Stainless Steel Pro Butter Spreader


  • Stainless Steel Pro Butter Spreader 
  • Dimensions: 22.400 x 2.600 x 1.300cm

This is the Stainless Steel Pro Butter Spreader from Kitchen Craft. Butter, strawberry jam, cheese spread – whatever your sandwich filling of choice, KitchenCraft Professional's butter spreader makes smothering bread smooth and simple. Just add your favourite sandwich spread! The key improvement on traditional butter knives is its serrated edge. This makes it easy to scrape chilled butter for easy spreading, and you can even use it to cut sandwiches or toast in half, or slice soft ingredients. As for the rest of it, it’s a nice, flat butter knife that spreads beautifully and is comfortable to hold. And because it’s made of stainless steel, it’s strong, easy to clean, and looks great on the dining table!